Continuous integration and deployment for your SharePoint Framework solutions
In case you missed my previous article you can go here "Automated deployment of your SharePoint Framework solution on Office 365 CDN". In this article I'd like to extend this topic, showing how to configure the continuous integration and deployment through Visual Studio Team Services for a SharePoint Framework solution.
Automated deployment of your SharePoint Framework solution on Office 365 CDN
There is an important topic about SharePoint Framework, that is ALM (Application Lifecycle Management), Microsoft has provided the ALM APIs, it means by consuming the API will be possible distribute the bundle and the sppkg of our SPFx solution. The current situation predicts that a developer across the command line must run the following steps in order to build the bundle and the sppkg file:
Youtube web part on SharePoint through SharePoint Framework
The Business also runs along Youtube, many companies publish several videos in name of the marketing, a modern web part currently absent in SharePoint is just that of Youtube, so for this reason, I decided to develop this kind of SharePoint Framework solution hoping it is helpful for someone else.
SharePoint Framework magnifying an image through a lens
Here I’m with a new blog post about SharePoint Framework. I faced an interesting client side solution regarding the possibility to magnify an image, so I decided to reproduce something of similar with SharePoint Framework.
Creating a Reactjs multi language app
Reactjs is one of the most popular front-end framework, it’s also adopted by Facebook, Microsoft, Samsung and other several big companies. Often happens to develop Web App with the support to different languages, so I decided to share my experience with Reactjs, in detail as you can see below I developed a simple react solution where is possible to change the language instantly:
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