Giuliano De Luca | Blog |

Azure DevOps is increasingly used to automate the release of solutions to the cloud. In this context, I would like to report my recent experience by developing continuous integration and delivery for logic apps, hoping that it will be useful to someone else.

Logic Apps is one of my favorite resource on Azure because is incredible fast, intuitive and easy to use. My personal opinion is that, Logic Apps works great in those scenarios where a workflow is needed and when more, in general, the business logic is not so complex, in fact, in this use case I prefer to use an Azure Function instead of Logic Apps for performance reason. you can find more info about Logic Apps here

ARM Template

Let’s start from what we need in order to deploy an existing or created Azure resource and more specifically in our case a Logic App. Basically, we need a file where all configurations for our Azure resource are saved, I’m talking about Azure Resource Manager Template or better known as ARM Template. This is nothing more than a JSON file where various information is contained and in the case of Logic App we will have something like that: